An [Asha'man] [soldier|AshaMan]. He appears to be [Domani|Arad Doman].

! Physical Description

He is copper-skinned with a thin mustache. ([TPoD,Ch23]) He is just shy of his thirtieth year. ([ToM,Ch46])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Arlen brings a captured %%ot [sul'dam|Seanchan (People)]%% to [Rand|Rand alThor]'s position then returns to the battle. ([TPoD,Ch23])
* [Canler], Arlen Nalaam, [Emarin|emarin] and [Jonneth Dowtry] practice in one group while [Taim|Mazrim Taim]'s men practice nearby. They plan with [Androl|Androl Genhald] to collect information for [Logain|Logain Ablar] when he returns. ([ToM,Ch46])
* [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] wants to practice circles, but [Androl|Androl Genhald] suggests she try Nalaam, [Emarin] or [Jonneth Dowtry] as they are stronger. ([AMoL,Prologue])
* When [Welyn Kajima] and [Jenare] arrive, Nalaam stays to keep watch while [Evin Vinchova] goes to tell [Androl Genhald] and [Pevara Tazanovni]. ([AMoL,Ch2])
* [Evin|Evin Vinchova] joins Nalaam at [The Great Gathering].([AMoL,Ch3])
* [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] and [Androl|Androl Genhald] approach the underground prison. Three ribbons of fire kill the guards and Arlen, [Emarin|Algarin Pendaloan] and [Jonneth|Jonneth Dowtry] join them. They follow running water looking for the entrance. They find a tunnel and enter. They hear a voice ahead. Beyond the door the find a series of cells and  [Logain|Logain Ablar] is there. They hear voices past the door and one of them is [Taim|Mazrim Taim]. They try to fight but a weave brings the earthen ceiling pouring down on them. ([AMoL,Ch4])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [Towers of Midnight]
## [ToM,Ch46] - Arlen often speaks in gibberish, residual madness from the taint.
# In [A Memory of Light]
## [AMoL,Ch2] - [Androl|Androl Genhald] insists that [saidin|said] is now clean, but [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] points out that he still sees shadows moving and Nalaam  still mutters in odd languages.
## [AMoL,Ch4] - [Androl|Androl Genhald] says they will gather Nalaam, [Canler], [Evin|Evin Vinchova] and [Jonneth|Jonneth Dowtry] then wait for [Taim|Mazrim Taim]  to finish with [Logain|Logain Ablar] and then rescue him.
## [AMoL,Ch8] - [Androl] asks [Evin|Evin Vinchova] where Nalaam is and he tells him he died in the cave-in.

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