A major river of the [Westlands|Geography] that runs from [Saldaea] to [Murandy] where it joins the [Manetherendrelle River]. The [White Bridge] is the only bridge crossing it south of [Maradon].

! Places/things along the Arinelle

* [Maradon]
* [Shadar Logoth|Aridhol (City)]
* The [White Bridge]
* [Whitebridge]

! References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Eye of the World]
## [TEotW,Ch18] - The [White Bridge] is the only bridge crossing the Arinelle south of [Maradon].
## [TEotW,Ch20] - In his flight from the [Trollocs], [Perrin] lands in the Arinelle River. He manages to cross, but loses his horse, saddlebags and cloak. [Rand], [Mat] and [Thom] reach the Arinelle and jump into a boat moored there, the ''[Spray (Boat)|Spray]''.
## [TEotW,Ch21] - [Moiraine], [Lan] and [Nynaeve] follow the Arinelle toward [Whitebridge].
## [TEotW,Ch22] - [Egwene] and [Bela] make it across the Arinelle.
## [TEotW,Ch24] - [Rand], [Mat] and [Thom] sail down the Arinelle with [Bayle Domon] on the ''[Spray (Boat)|Spray]''. [Domon] points out the [Tower of Ghenjei].
## [TEotW,Ch26] - The ''[Spray (Boat)|Spray]'' sails down the Arinelle to [Whitebridge].
More [Category Geography|Category.Geography]