A [Dedicated|AshaMan] [Asha'man]. He is a [Taraboner|Tarabon].

His father could also channel. He could find veins of metal and quarries of stone. He killed himself by leaping of a cliff after he realized he was going mad. ([AMoL,Ch4])

! Physical Description

He is a square fellow with heavy eyebrows. ([WH,Prologue])

! Points of View

See Androl's [chapter points of view|Androl POV].

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* Several [Dedicated|AshaMan] including Androl Genhald, [Canler], [Donalo Sandomere], [Evin Vinchova], [Mezar Kurin] and [Welyn Kajima] meet with [Logain|Logain Ablar]. Androl reports that he has found two men interested in learning [Nynaeve|Nynaeve alMeara]'s style of [Healing|Weaves#h]. ([WH,Prologue])
* Androl is troubled by the division in the [Black Tower]. He and the others loyal to [Logain|Logain Ablar] begin gathering information. ([ToM,Ch46])
* Androl, [Emarin], [Evin|Evin Vinchova] and [Canler] all try to make gateways but they fail. Androl meets [Norley] and they both note that [Mezar|Mezar Kurin] is acting very strange. Androl meets with [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] to discuss the problem. ([ToM,Ch56])
* Androl and [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] discuss his past and forming circles. [Canler] and [Algarin|Algarin Pendaloan] report that they have not found a way to escape the [Black Tower]. They agree to follow Androl until [Logain|Logain Ablar] returns. Androl figures out that "Emarin" is really [Algarin|Algarin Pendaloan]. ([AMoL,Prologue])
* While waiting, Androl and [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] form a circle. The loss of control terrifies [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] and she bonds him. He bonds her in return and they can feel each other's thoughts. [Evin|Evin Vinchova] brings news that [Logain|Logain Ablar] is probably a prisoner. ([AMoL,Ch2])
* Androl, [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] and [Evin|Evin Vinchova] go to [The Great Gathering]. He thinks the [Two Rivers] lads are honest but not subtle. He seeks the void and [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] tells him that it is now harder to sense his thoughts. Later, he, [Nalaam|Arlen Nalaam] and [Canler] prepare to leave but [Atal Mishraile|Atal Mishraile] blocks the way. [Coteren] then enters and tells him that he has been demoted back to [soldier|ashaMan]. After trying to hold the [One Power] but panicking at the shadows, he drops his sword pin and leaves with  [Nalaam|Arlen Nalaam], [Canler] and [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni]. He says that they must have [Logain|Logain Ablar] hidden somewhere in the [Black Tower] and they will rescue him tonight. ([AMoL,Ch3])
* Androl and [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] are hiding in a storeroom, waiting for [Dobser]. They capture [Dobser], [Welyn|Welyn Kajima] and [Leems]. ([AMoL,Ch3])
* [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] and Androl approach the underground prison. Three ribbons of fire kill the guards. They follow running water looking for the entrance. Androl says he learned scouting in the [Mountains of Mist]. They find a tunnel and enter. They hear a voice ahead. Beyond the door the find a series of cells and [Logain|Logain Ablar] is there. Androl examines him and he is not Turned yet. Androl suddenly feels powerful channeling. They hear voices past the door and one of them is [Taim|Mazrim Taim]. They try to fight but a weave brings the earthen ceiling pouring down on them. ([AMoL,Ch4])
* Androl wakes up to find himself tied up next to [Jonneth Dowtry] and [Emarin|Algarin Pendaloan]. He sees [Mezar Kurin] and [Welyn Kajima] drag [Logain] into the room. [Taim] tells the two to take [Evin|Evin Vinchova] next. Androl tries to convince [Taim] to take him instead, but [Taim] tells him he's not worth turning. ([AMoL,Ch8])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

# In [The Gathering Storm]
## [TGS,Ch5] - Androl is very good at making gateways.
# In [Towers of Midnight]
## [ToM,Ch56] - Both [Logain|Logain Ablar] and [Taim|Mazrim Taim] thought Androl's skill at gateways was impressive.

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