A rich merchant in [Amador] and a [Darkfriend|Darkfriends]. Her husband is [Jorin Arene]. 

! Physical Description

She is stern-faced and graying. ([TFoH,Ch18]) 

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* [Liandrin] and the others of the [Black Ajah] take over Amellia Arene's manor house in [Amador]. When [Liandrin] returns from an errand, Amellia begs her to [Heal|Weaves] the damage [Temaile|Temaile Kinderode] did to her husband. ([TFoH,Ch18])
* [Moghedien] gives a shielded [Liandrin] to Amellia and [Evon] as a scullery girl. ([TFoH,Ch34])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)


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