High Lady [Suroth]'s pet %%ot [lopar]%%.

! Physical Description

He is ten feet tall and weighs near two thousand pounds. He has hairless skin like reddish brown leather. He has six-toed forepaws with retractable claws. He has a round head and a wide mouth full of sharp teeth. ([KoD,Prologue])

! Chronology (Possible Spoilers)

* He is with her when [Morgase|Morgase Trakand] has an audience with [Suroth]. He makes an exceptionally good guard dog. ([ACoS,Ch26])
* High Lady [Suroth] has Almandaragal, her pet %%ot [lopar]%%, with her in [Ebou Dar]. ([KoD,Prologue])

! Other References (Possible Spoilers)

More [Category Creatures|Category.Creatures], [Category Pets]