The [Aiel] Prophecies concern the coming of their ''[Car'a'carn|Rand]'', [He Who Comes With the Dawn|Rand]. See the [FAQ, Section 4.3|WoTFAQ:node/167.html] for interpretations of [Aiel] Prophecies.

! [TGH,Ch28]

* "When the [Trollocs] come out of the [Blight] again, we will leave the [Three-fold Land|Aiel Waste] and take back our places of old."
* "One of the old prophecies says that if ever we fail the [Aes Sedai] again, they will slay us."
* "We will know him when we see him, for he will be marked. He will come from the west, beyond the [Spine of the World], but be of our blood. He will go to [Rhuidean], and lead us out of the [Three-fold Land|Aiel Waste]. Under this sign (the ancient [Aes Sedai] symbol) he will conquer."

! [TDR,Ch34]

* "Prophecy says when the [Stone of Tear] falls, we will leave the [Three-fold Land|Aiel Waste] at last. It says we will be changed, and find again what was ours, and was lost."

! [TDR,Ch39]

* [Aiel] prophecy says he was born of ''[Far Dareis Mai|Maidens]''. "Blood of our blood mixed with the old blood, raised by an ancient blood not ours."

! [TSR,Ch25]

* "The stone that never falls will fall to announce his coming. Of the blood, but not raised by the blood, he will come from [Rhuidean] at dawn, and tie you together with bonds you cannot break. He will take you back, and he will destroy you."

! [TSR,Ch34]

* "He shall spill out the blood of those who call themselves [Aiel] as water on sand, and he shall break them as dried twigs, yet the remnant of a remnant shall he save, and they shall live."

[Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Prophecies]