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| %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/heron_mark_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Heron Mark Chapter Icon'}] ''[AMoL|A Memory of Light]: To Die Well'' %% 
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Work In Progress


! __Lan__ POV

[Lan] kills [Fade] and then a soldier points out the red beacon of light, indicating it was time for a rotation in forces. The [Malkieri|Malkier] would retreat and the [Kandori|Kandor] and [Arafellin|Arafel] forces would come in. Two [Asha'man] and [Coladara] are setting [Trolloc] corpses aflame to make it tougher for [Trollocs] to advance. The army is fighting in one hour rotations and is holding the [Gap], but [Lan] realizes sooner or later the [Trollocs] would be able to advance. The [Trollocs] didn't have to worry about a food supply as they ate the dead.

[Bulen] falls from his horse and [Lan] rushes over only to find him dead from a massive wound in his side that he had been hiding from [Lan]. [Lan] lifts [Bulen]'s corpse and places it across the saddle of [Bulen]'s horse. [Andere] and Prince [Kaisel|Kaisel Noramaga] are watching solemnly nearby. [Lan] tells everyone he will not mourn [Bulen] but will cheer him because he died well. He then tells the story of [Bakh], who also died well. This spurs Prince [Kaisel|Kaisel Noramaga] to tell the story about [Ragon] and [Andere] to tell the story of [Kragil], which spurs the rest of the camp to start telling stories. [Lan] finds [Narishma], who is holding a [gateway|Weave] open for a supply cart, and ask him to find a cold place to store [Bulen]'s body. [Narishma] closes his [gateway|Weave] and open another onto a mountain top. [Lan] take [Bulen]'s body and places it there and removed [Bulen]'s %%ot [hadori]%% and wraps it around the hilt of his sword.

On his way to Lord [Agelmar], the ground starts to quake. Hairline cracks appear in the rocks, and [Lan] feels that there's something wrong with those cracks, like they open into nothingness. The quaking subsides and the cracks disappear.

[Lan] continues onward to [Agelmar]. He passes through the [Saldaean|Saldaea] and notes that, due to the officers' wives, it's the most well-kept camp, which is unusual because normally the [Saldaean|Saldaea] wives march with their husbands. He finds [Tenobia] arguing tactics with [Agelmar]. She has a descent grasp of tactics, but is too bold for [Lan]'s taste. She tells [Lan] that they fight "a glorious battle" and [Lan] responds back with "the men who fight have glory, but the battle itself is not glory." [Lan] asks to have word with [Agelmar].

[Agelmar] notes that [Tenobia] has become more rash since her uncle, [Kalyan Ramsin], married Queen [Ethenielle|Ethenielle Kirukon Materasu]. They talk about the fight at the [Gap] and [Agelmar] says that when they cannot hold anymore, then they will retreat, which [Lan] does not like.
More [Lan POV]

! __Egwene__ POV

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More [Egwene POV]

! __Rand__ POV

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! Notes (Possible Spoilers)

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