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| %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/lion_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Lion Chapter Icon'}] ''[AMoL|A Memory of Light]: That Smoldering City'' %% 
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Work In Progress


! __Elayne__ POV
[Elayne] is on [Moonshadow] and a safe distance away from [Caemlyn] but where she can still see the city. She notes to herself that she hadn't ruled [Caemlyn] for a hundred days yet, but already the city was lost. [Talmanes] can't give a good estimate of [Trollocs] in the city, so he says there's probably tens of thousands, but not hundreds of thousands.

Elayne has with her the [Band|Band of the Red Hand], the [Queen's Guard], some [Andoran|Andor] regulars under the command of [Birgitte] and [Guybon], a handful of [Wise Ones|Aiel] and [Bashere] and his [Legion of the Dragon]. [Perrin] and his forces have come with her. His forces include [Mayene]'s [Winged Guard|Mayene], the [Ghealdanin|Ghealdan] cavalry, the [Whitecloaks] and [Two Rivers] archers.

[Bashere] confirms that the basements of the city have been filled with oil. [Elayne] asks him what he thinks about her going into battle while pregnant. He says that it shows how desperate their situation is and it will make the soldiers more serious and it's also a reminder that not everything in the world is dying. He asks her if she is going to tell the army that she's pregnant with the [Dragon Reborn|Rand]'s child. He notes that some men think that it is [Doilin Mellar]'s child and she could easily dispel that rumor. She says that she doesn't want the child to be a target and he says that they couldn't be a greater target than they already are.

[Birgitte] rides up and gives the all-ready sign. [Elayne] says "Burn it" and [Birgitte] gives the signal for the [Kin] to open [gateways|Weaves] so that lit torches can be thrown into the oil-filled basements. While waiting, [Elayne] tells [Birgitte] to tell the camp that she carries the [Dragon Reborn|Rand]'s children.
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! __Androl__ POV

[Androl] wakes up to find himself tied up next to [Jonneth Dowtry] and [Emarin|Algarin Pendaloan]. [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] is also tied up somewhere nearby. They are all [shielded|Weaves]. [Evin|Evin Vinchova] is also tied up nearby, weeping. He admits that to [Androl] that they broke him. [Atal Mishraile] approaches [Androl] and tells him that he will enjoy killing him for what happened to [Coteren]. [Androl] sees [Mezar Kurin] and [Welyn Kajima] drag [Logain] into the room. [Taim] tells the two to take [Evin|Evin Vinchova] next. [Androl] tries to convince [Taim] to take him instead, but [Taim] tells him he's not worth turning.

[Evin|Evin Vinchova] comes back a few minutes later, obviously turned. [Androl] asks him where [Arlen Nalaam] is and [Evin|Evin Vinchova] tells him he died in the cave-in. Thirteen [Fades] come in and take [Emarin|Algarin Pendaloan] away.\\
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! Notes (Possible Spoilers)


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