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| %%(display:block; text-align:center;) [{Image src='Chapter Icons/lion_bw.gif' align='center' link='Wiki.jsp?page=Lion Chapter Icon'}] ''[AMoL|A Memory of Light]: That Smoldering City'' %% 
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Work In Progress


! __Elayne__ POV
[Elayne] is on [Moonshadow] and a safe distance away from [Caemlyn] but where she can still see the city. She notes to herself that she hadn't ruled [Caemlyn] for a hundred days yet, but already the city was lost. [Talmanes] can't give a good estimate of [Trollocs] in the city, so he says there's probably tens of thousands, but not hundreds of thousands.

Elayne has with her the [Band|Band of the Red Hand], the [Queen's Guard], some [Andoran|Andor] regulars under the command of [Birgitte] and [Guybon], a handful of [Wise Ones|Aiel] and [Bashere] and his [Legion of the Dragon]. [Perrin] and his forces have come with her. His forces include [Mayene]'s [Winged Guard|Mayene], the [Ghealdanin|Ghealdan] cavalry, the [Whitecloaks] and [Two Rivers] archers.

[Bashere] confirms that the basements of the city have been filled with oil.

[Birgitte] rides up and gives the all-ready sign. [Elayne] says "Burn it" and [Birgitte] gives the signal for the [Kin] to open [gateways|Weaves] so that lit torches can be thrown into the oil-filled basements. While waiting, [Elayne] tells [Birgitte] to tell the camp that she carries the [Dragon Reborn|Rand]'s children.
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! __Androl__ POV

[Androl] wakes up to find himself tied up next to [Jonneth Dowtry] and [Emarin|Algarin Pendaloan]. [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] is also tied up somewhere nearby. They are all [shielded|Weaves]. [Evin|Evin Vinchova] is also tied up nearby, weeping. He admits that to [Androl] that they broke him. [Atal Mishraile] approaches [Androl] and tells him that he will enjoy killing him for what happened to [Coteren]. [Androl] sees [Mezar Kurin] and [Welyn Kajima] drag [Logain] into the room. [Taim] tells the two to take [Evin|Evin Vinchova] next. [Androl] tries to convince [Taim] to take him instead, but [Taim] tells him he's not worth turning.

[Evin|Evin Vinchova] comes back a few minutes later, obviously turned. [Androl] asks him where [Arlen Nalaam] is and [Evin|Evin Vinchova] tells him he died in the cave-in. Thirteen [Fades] come in and take [Emarin|Algarin Pendaloan] away.\\
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! Notes (Possible Spoilers)


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