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! __Androl__ POV

[Androl|Androl Genhald] and [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] wait in the storeroom for [Emarin|Emarin Pendaloan]. [Dobser] is tied up and [Welyn|Welyn Kajima] and [Leems] still unconscious and shielded. She tells him the story of her family killed by [Darkfriends]. He tells her that his father could channel and killed himself when he started to go mad.  [Emarin|Emarin Pendaloan] enters; he had another confrontation with [Coteren].  [Androl|Androl Genhald] thinks the men who have been Turned are really dead. Their bodies have new, evil souls. [Emarin|Emarin Pendaloan] tricks [Dobser] with a story of taking him,  [Evin|Evin Vinchova] and others to start a rival [Black Tower] and he gives [Dobser] a sack of money. He says he pretended to follow [Logain|Logain Ablar]  because  [Taim|http://photeus.com/ewot/characters/m/mazrim_taim.html]  would be too suspicious of him.  [Dobser] swallows the story and confirms that [Taim|http://photeus.com/ewot/characters/m/mazrim_taim.html]  now has  [Logain|Logain Ablar] .  [Logain|Logain Ablar]  is taking a long time to Turn because of his strong will.  [Dobser]  tells them where  [Logain|Logain Ablar]  and the others are held in underground rooms. With the information in hand,  [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni]  ties up  [Dobser]  again.  [Androl|Androl Genhald]  says they will gather  [Nalaam|http://photeus.com/ewot/characters/a/arlen_nalaam.html] ,  [Canler|http://photeus.com/ewot/characters/c/canler.html] ,  [Evin|Evin Vinchova]  and  [Jonneth|http://photeus.com/ewot/characters/j/jonneth.html]  then wait for  [Taim|http://photeus.com/ewot/characters/m/mazrim_taim.html]  to finish with  [Logain|Logain Ablar]  and then rescue him.

! __Rand__ POV

[Rand] is in a dream after he and [Aviendha] fall asleep. It does not feel exactly like %%ot Tel'aran'rhiod%% so it must be a [dreamshard|TelAranRhiod]. He set wards so he wonders how he was pulled in. He feels a presence and addresses the man as [Elan|Ishamael]. [Elan|Ishamael]  addresses him as [Lews Therin|Lews Therin Telamon]. He still wears his new body as  [Moridin]. [Moridin] says he does not know how [Rand] is pulled into his dream. The  [Pattern|Wheel of Time] pulls them together. [Rand] says he knows about [Mierin|Lanfear].  [Moridin] is furious that he knows and thinks she must have come to him. He has mixed emotions about [Mierin|Lanfear], [Lanfear], [Selene|Lanfear]. She tried to kill [Egwene] and  [Aviendha]. [Mierin|Lanfear] being alive makes him hope for [Moiraine]. [Moridin] says her name is now [Cyndane] and that she hates [Rand] for what happened. [Rand] remembers  [Ishamael] pulling him into dreams.[1] [Rand] understands that [Moridin] wants oblivion.  [Moridin] continues to taunt [Rand], but [Rand] says he is finished with [Moridin]. It is now between him and the [Dark One|Shaitan]. He exercises his will and sunlight comes through the clouds. [Moridin] thinks it is a trick like he used on [Weiramon|Weiramon Saniago].[2]  [Rand] exerts his will more. The clouds disappear and the ground blooms with growth.  [Moridin] recoils in shock then disappears. [Rand] then lets the transformation go and returns to his body for sleep.

! __Pevara__ POV

[Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni]  and  [Androl|Androl Genhald]  approach the underground prison. She is afraid to channel because of the  [Black Ajah|http://photeus.com/ewot/organizations/aes_sedai/black.html] . There are two of  [Taim|http://photeus.com/ewot/characters/m/mazrim_taim.html] 's  [Asha'man|http://photeus.com/ewot/organizations/ashaman.html]  standing guard. Three ribbons of fire kill the guards and  [Nalaam|http://photeus.com/ewot/characters/a/arlen_nalaam.html] ,  [Emarin|Emarin Pendaloan]  and  [Jonneth|Jonneth Dowtry]  join them.  [Canler|http://photeus.com/ewot/characters/c/canler.html]  and the rest of the  [Two Rivers|http://photeus.com/ewot/geography/andor/two_rivers/index.html]  men stay behind. They follow running water looking for the entrance.  [Androl|Androl Genhald]  says he learned scouting in the  [Mountains of Mist|http://photeus.com/ewot/geography/mist_mountains.html] . They find a tunnel and enter. They hear a voice ahead. A [Two Rivers] arrow from [Jonneth|Jonneth Dowtry] takes out [Coteren] who was guarding a door. Beyond the door the find a series of cells and  [Logain|Logain Ablar]  is there.  [Androl|Androl Genhald]  examines him and he is not Turned yet.  [Androl|Androl Genhald]  suddenly feels powerful channeling. [Logain|Logain Ablar] is too weak to help. They hear voices past the door and one of them is [Taim|Mazrim Taim]. They try to fight but a weave brings the earthen ceiling pouring down on them.

! Notes (Possible Spoilers)
[1|#1] All the dreams that [he|Rand], [Mat] and [Perrin] had of [Ba'alzamon|ishamael] early on.\\
[2|#2] [Rand] really could sense that [Weiramon|Weiramon Saniago] and [Anaiyella|Anaiyella Narencelona] were [Darkfriends] but [Moridin] does not understand how that could be.\\
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